Glad you’re here! The Our Way of Life Australia (OWLA) is a group of adults living with PWS. They have made brochures to assist you in living your best life. Topics include making friends, mental health, work and support, the NDIS and more.
You, the immediate and extended family are a vital link in enabling the best possible life for your loved ones. Find here a suite of information (written, video and links) to build your knowledge about PWS and learn what to do next.
PWSA believes that all people living with PWS will qualify for the National Disability Insurance Scheme, should they choose to apply. Securing ‘reasonable and necessary’ support funding to live an ‘ordinary’ life requires knowledge of both the syndrome and the NDIS. Learn about applying, review meetings, accommodation (SDA/SIL) and sourcing trained supports.
Receiving a diagnosis of PWS can be both a shock and a relief, but bring uncertainty. The new diagnosis pack guides you through the early days of caring for your new baby. At this early stage, it might be all you need to get to know to enjoy the company of your baby. Revisit our website later as your baby grows and moves to their next stage.
Caring for your baby or toddler is alway rewarding. Living with PWS can also be challenging due to the extra therapies involved. Knowledge about PWS will assist you in navigating activities of daily life and the community access.
Primary school is an exciting time. Build knowledge about safety, supporting appropriate behaviour, navigating schooling including an appropriate curriculum. Accessing health and allied health services is also essential to maximise outcomes.
Life as a teenager is fun, bringing a new set of unique experiences and challenges. A miriad of emotional and hormonal changes can further complicate life with PWS. Find school, community, support and government resources to help you along your journey.
Let the world open up for you! This life stage brings new rights, increasing independance and many new challenges. Learn about complex health and support needs, along with housing through the NDIS. Knowledge is key to living your best life.
We welcome enquiries about anything related to PWS. This could be about the changes through the life stage of living with PWS, individual needs, services, getting help or interacting with the NDIS, the Quality and Safeguards Commission or the AAT.