0-5 years old

The arrival of a child is an exciting time. Receiving a diagnosis of Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) can be very daunting. You are not alone! These brochures can help in understanding what PWS might mean for your child’s future and what you can do.


Home > Me and my family > 0-5 years old

Meet Evie

She is smiley, cuddly and about the happiest little girl you could ever meet! Evie is living with PWS. There a many things parents and care givers can do to support Evie to have her best life. Evie will develop and grow and thrive when those supporting her, from family to health professionals and others in the community know about PWS. The following articles will help with educating yourself and others on journeys like Evie’s.

Babies and toddlers

All babies and toddlers thrive on games, love and fun. This is a crucial development phase. This series of articles about the health and development of birth to 2 year olds living with PWS provides ideas and guidance for families and professionals.

Pre-schoolers and kindy

Pre-school and kindergarten children aged 3 to 5 years old will be going through new milestones in their development. This series of articles about the health and development young children living with PWS provides ideas and guidance for families and professionals.

Get in touch

We welcome enquiries about anything related to PWS. This could be about the changes through the life stage of living with PWS, individual needs, services, getting help or interacting with the NDIS, the Quality and Safeguards Commission or the AAT.

Contact us